CAFEC-KUN the CAFEC official mascot


The hat is CAFEC’s masterpiece, the FLOWER DRIPPER Robe is made of CAFEC paper filter The shape of the rising steam from the dripper forms the letter “C” in “CAFEC” and “COFFEE” Face represents fresh, home-roasted coffee beans

cafec-kun Story

Once upon a time, 
                in a tropical island in the South, 
                a little green coffee bean named 
                CAFEC-KUN was born.
CAFEC-KUN dreamed of 
                becoming a delicious 
                cup of coffee. 
                In order to fulfill this dream, 
                CAFEC-KUN set off 
                on a great journey.
The path was long and filled with 
              twists and turns, but CAFEC-KUN never gave up.
At last, after a journey full of 
                adventure, CAFEC-KUN arrived 
                in a magical place where 
                the air was filled with the rich, 
                enchanting aroma of coffee.
This place was dedicated to 
                everything about coffee, 
                where every step in the 
                process was treated with 
                meticulous care.
Here, CAFEC-KUN was 
                bathed in the warmth of 
                coffee roasting, 
                transforming into a bean 
                full of delightful fragrance.
Then, he was dressed in 
                a finely crafted robe and 
                crowned with a unique hat.
And so, the green bean CAFEC-KUN 
                blossomed into a beautifully adorned, 
                perfectly roasted coffee bean, 
                ready to bring joy to everyone. 
                From this special place, CAFEC-KUN set off 
                on his next journey — to deliver smiles to 
                everyone who savors a delicious cup of coffee.


An image suitable for use as a smartphone / PC wallpaper.